Saturday, June 10, 2006

A Week in Burleson

Since Jeff was slammed with his mini-mester class, I took off with the kids to Burleson to visit his family. The last picture is Bristol (16 weeks) with Ma Ma, also known as Mrs. Watts and who Bristol is named after. We enjoyed getting to see her so often since we were there for the week. She was in great spirits and liked the kids running around they are definitley a break in the calm of the nursing home. (Sylvie - if you are reading this in France, she wanted to send a special hello to you!)
We went to the zoo in Fort Worth, I highly recommend it - it was a great zoo. Beck and Madalyn's favorite was the monkey house when they were literally inches away from the gorilla while it sat on the other side of the glass. I was also overly excited to find a Panera for lunch (Milana we NEED one in Austin!). Along with the zoo, we spent a day at Chuck E. Cheese, and got to swim at Aunt Gay Lynn's. Madalyn's cool swim suit was chosen on a shopping spree with Lea and the icing all over Beck's face was courtesy of Tara's birthday cake. I won't say which one.
The week went by really quickly, and I hope they enjoyed it as much as we did.

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