Sunday, February 15, 2009


Spiderbeck, Spiderbeck does whatever Spiderbeck does. Does he swing from his web, no he can't because he's a Beck. Alright, for anyone that hasn't seen The Simpson's movie that may not make sense. Anyway, Beck got invited to Sydnee's birthday party (from school-see other pics) which was a fairy tale tea party theme. The invitations were GREAT, very cool scrolls with toole. I had talked him into going as a Jedi - his Halloween costume from this year - thinking that it would kind of gog with the theme. Well, he decided that he needed to be Spiderman and couldn't be talked out of it. Needless to say, he was a hit at the party even though there was one other boy. Jeff got a huge kick out of watching him with the other kids and has confirmed that he is going to 'slay' the girls. Apparently his muscles were a huge hit.

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