Madalyn and I walked the AIDS Walk 2009 5k on Sunday afternoon in amazingly beautiful 75 and sunny weather on Sunday afternoon. It was great to see my clients and to spend quality time with Madalyn . Oh yeah, and exercise too! The Maxwell Locke and Ritter team raised $500 this year, awesome!!
What a way to celebrate after the Texas vs. OU win on Saturday - there was a free concert in the park as part of the Kyle festival. We hadn't seen Cory Morrow in years, but it was a GREAT show. We had a wonderful spot thanks to Brandy, and enjoyed the BYOB with fair food. I loved that he closed the show with Big City Stripper (on our wedding CD) and the cover of Its a Great Day to be Alive - yep, Cory, it sure is. Good food, better music and great friends - couldn't ask for much more.
Kyle had its annual music fair and parade on Saturday. Bristol and I rode the Kid Ranch float with his daycare and Madalyn walked with the Girl Scouts. I know its totally hokey, but I still love parades!
We are totally going Hollywood in the Raymond family. Jeff was actually on FNL before Beck was in the commericial, but I got my posts backwards. Jeff had been watching Craigslist for tickets to the Jay-Z concert and started checking the talent link. In true Jeff form he was supposed to be an extra and turned it into a speaking part, almost $800 and he should get an imdb credit. I swear, that man never ceases to amaze me!
Beck got to be in a commercial last week. It's for a banking group called Texas Partners and had a lot to deal with sticks. The theory of one stick is easy to break, but when you bundle them together you can't break them. There was a guy and three boys and they played with sticks, picked up sticks, broke sticks and threw sticks. Just general hanging out in the park playing with sticks for a few hours and getting paid $150 for the college fund. :)
The Blanco Vista Elementary Fall Carnival was on October 10th - its the biggest event that the PTA hosts at the school. Cody and Floyd came and brought their race cars to promote Thunderhill, we broke out the Wheel of Wow and generally had an amazing time. It was a wonderful fundraiser for PTA and it was so much fun watching the kids just be kids.
Here are a few pics from Ella's 4th birthday. Jessie must have been pyschic when she booked it at the Jumpy Place because it was pouring rain that day - like 10 inches in a day and getting the cake in the building required an umbrella and a group effort. We really had a great time and it was wonderful to have the kids be able to run off some of the energy so they weren't cooped up in the house for hours. I can't believe that Ella is already 4 - craziness.
Jeff, Jessie and I were able to attend an event at the Alumni Center to the Hispanic students branch of the Texas Exes. We had an amazing time and rocked the Loteria. All of us left with Commemorative jerseys that came in handy for the recent OU game. :)
My cousin Glenn and his wife added a beutiful baby boy named Gary Wallace Hart to the Nelson side of the family. He is super chill and will go by 'Ace'. Love it!
I graduated from Jack C. Hays High School in 1996 and from UT's PPA proram in 2001. I'm married to a great guy, Jeff, and am raising three of the most amazing people on Earth - Madalyn, Beck and Bristol.
Our family motto- "We may not have it all together, but together we have it all."