Friday, March 31, 2006


Madalyn is 6 years old and started Kindegarten this year at Tobias International Elementary School in Kyle, Texas. She is in their Dual Language immersion program and is taking half of her classes in English and the other half in Spanish. She is doing really well, and is on her way to becoming our little senorita. Maddy is super excited that she lost her first tooth - bottom front in her ice cream at Dairy Queen.
She is still taking classes at Dance Unlimited and is looking forward to her second recital the first weekend in June. We took the Spring season off from soccer but are ready to get back into it in the fall. Like most little girls she loves horses and Barbies and has adjusted quickly to being our 'only princess' surrounded by the boys. She loves being a big sister, and proudly displays the shirt given to her when Bristol was born that says 'It's my brother's fault'. Funny how that happens.....

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