Monday, January 08, 2007

Christmas continued in Burleson

We headed up to Burleson on Friday the 29th to continue the festivities of the Christmas season. The drive up in the pouring rain was fun, but it was all good once we arrived. We did a Christmas with MawMaw at the nursing home, then went back to Aunt Pat's for the serious present throw down. Madalyn really enjoyed her Easy Bake Oven, and I enjoyed the throw back to my own childhood baking with lightbulb. The kids also helped Maria make fresh salsa that morning, to compliment the homemade tamales - YUM! Beck's Spiderman outfit made it's second appearance so he could show it to PawPaw, but he also had to shake his booty with the Itsy Bitsy Spiderman he got. The last one is a little blurry, but it's of all the burly Bunch kids - Erin, Trace, Madalyn, Beck, Jake, Lea, Bristol and Zach.
The highlight of my trip was definitely going for a ride with the nephews, who are both 15 and needed someone older than 21 in the car to drive with their permits. I seriously don't know how my parents did it. ;)

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