Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jeff's 20th High School Reunion

Jeff, Richard, Steve and Steve

Danny, Will and Jeff

Jeff, Laura and David

Jeff, Matt, Derek, Julie and Cherry
Go Burleson Elks Class of 1988! We went to Burleson this weekend to attend Jeff's high school reunion. We started at the Pour House in downtown Fort Worth on Friday night where they had a great turn out. The next day we went to the park in Burleson for family fun and then on Saturday night a formal event in the Fort Worth Stockyards. It was so much fun and I really enjoyed getting to hear all of the high school and even elementary school stories which included a guy that ate crickets, a girl that was so bad the teacher tied her to her chair, and Jeff was accused of taking his clothes off at the 10-year reunion. Unfortunately, it wasn't him, it was another guy but I was a little sad that I couldn't torture him with that. :)
They had people from New York, Seattle, Massachusets and Portland come back in for the festivities and it was great to see Jeff 'in his element'. And the other original member (Steve in the white shirt)of the Guess Who Crew was there. Nice! One highlight of the weekend was David and Laura (above) who got engaged! It's so cool to actually get to see that happen, Laura was so surprised and it definitely made the evening memorable all around. I held my own with the Elks and it was nice to have two dates with Jeff in one weekend.

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