Sunday, May 24, 2009

Blanco Vista Field Day

I took two days off to run the concession stand for PTA at Field Day. It was incredibly nice to be away from my laptop for an extended period of time, and do some good. We raised $815 in that two day period- which was just over our goal. We had a lot of volunteers which I was extremely thankful for, especially my mom who also took off to help on Friday. It was a very hot two days, but the best part was getting to watch the kids just be kids. No TAKS tests, no homework, just fun and the parents and teachers even got in on the action. The parents beat the kids at tug-o-war which is still my favorite Field Day event. The obstacle course was cool as well as the new additions of razor scooter race, so everything gets updated I guess.
And we bought matching Field Day Hero shirts, just to make it fashionable. Since Field Day is still one of my favorite days, I'm sure you'll see me wearing this soon.

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