Saturday, January 03, 2009

Build-a-Bear with the Boys

The boys decided to spend some of their Christmas money at Build a Bear during a recent trip to the mall. There is no telling how much money we spent in the store with Madalyn a few years back, but the boys had a blast. Beck made Beckham Bear, a black bear with a voice box that growls. He got a rock star t-shirt and a skateboard to ride. Bristol made Erking, a koala bear that he dressed as Iron Man. I ove the picture of him putting the heart on his head to make Erking smart. He took the whole process very serioulsy. The rest of the evening I refereed time with said skateboard between Beckham Bear and Erking, wondering why in heavens name I didn't buy a second one. Sometimes my piece of mind is worth more than $8. :)

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